Music is our friend. Listen to the message in the Music
Addictions, Animals, Beginnings, Birds, Blue, Body's, Breath, Brothers/Sisters, Carnival/Circus, Colors, Dance,
Days of the Week, Death, Dogs, Dreams, Eyes, Faith/Hope/Luck, Father, Feel It, Fire, Flying, Fools, Freedom, Fruit, George Harrison, Get Down, Get Up/Rise, Girl, God, Good, Bad, & Ugly, Head vs. Heart,
Hell to Paradise, Here/There/Everywhere, Home, Humanity, Ironman, Is it Joni, Joan, or Judy?,
Jewels, Kings & Queens, Less Is More, Light, Love, Measures of Times, Memories, MLK, Months of the Year, Moon, Mother, Names, Numbers, Opposites Attract, Paths, Places, Postures, Rain, Re-Do-It, Resolutions, Run, School, Seasons, Solidarity, Spaces, Stars, Summer, Sun, Super Heroes, Teacher, The Boy and the Man, Things, Things Tying Us Down, Time, Times of the Day, Walk, Walls, Water, Why?, Wind, Winter, World, Zodiac,
7 Deadly Sins.
Holiday Themes Album Classes
Non - Lyrical Soothing Instrumentals and Indica Music available upon request.